The book of Chuang Tzu and Hot Gay Sex
The book of Chuang Tzu and Hot Gay Sex
At university, I was supposed to
have studied The Book of Chuang Tzu
but I was a ‘bad student’. I was often too busy partying to actually go to
lectures so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that I missed a fair bit academically.
Occasionally one of those books I SHOULD have read will jump out at me, The Book of Chuang Tzu was one of them.
I wrote a piece on the Tao
Te Ching, (道德经 Dao De Jing in Mandarin) as an undergrad and was totally enthralled
by Daoism after that. The basic premise of Daoism, according to my limited
understanding and expressed in my limited capacity, is that at the core of
everything there is ‘the way’ or ‘Dao’ (道). You
can’t explain Dao very well because it exists well beyond our understanding and
ability to explain. Those people who are ‘plugged in’ to the Dao are kind of
like light bulbs that shine bright and those that aren’t are a bit dim.
With regards to human existence Daoism explains that we are
born, we create a complicated world of rules and regulations to try and
distract us from nature and the fact that we’re going to die. We then go
through life accumulating wealth and power and chasing after titles and positions
in an endless distraction to keep us from thinking about the fact that at the
end of it all – we’re all going to die. The matter that made us will decompose
back into the earth and effectively all of our endeavours will, on a big enough
time scale, prove to have been nothing more than vanity projects.
Everything that doesn’t lead us to reflecting upon our true
nature is effectively a distraction. Our true nature is to live in alignment
with nature and ourselves. There is no good and there is no bad, no beautiful,
no ugly, no intelligent and stupid – everything is one, intricately linked
through the Dao and all of these things are part of Dao and simply serve to
distract us from our true nature. Taken to its extreme Daoism actually gets a
little bland for my liking with good food and sex becoming just another shade
of the endless distraction.

I wanted to say a few words about Chuang Tzu because
although I don’t agree with everything the Daoists say, Chuang Tzu says a few
things that really resonate with me. For example, in one chapter in The Book of Chuang Tzu, he is discusses
the nature of freedom. Chunag Tzu is approached by a royal envoy who offers
tells him that the King of the Kingdom of Chu is looking to recruit him for an
official position.
The envoy continues, telling Chuang Tzu how he will be
adorned with tremendous luxury, the finest clothing and food and tremendous
Chuang Tzu replies: “Sir, have you ever seen a sacrificial
ox? It is decked in fine garments and fed on fresh grass and beans. However,
when it is led into the Great Temple, even though it most earnestly might wish
to be a simple calf again, it’s now impossible!”
On another occasion Chuang Tzu was enjoying himself, minding his own business, when he
was approached by more officials offering him another official position. The
messengers presented Chuang Tzu with gifts, and then delivered the King’s
message: “I would like you to come to Ch’u and accept the honorable position of
State Administrator.”
Chuang Tzu frowned,
bobbed his fishing pole, and said, “It is told that the State of Ch’u has a
sacred tortoise that has been dead for over three thousand years. The king
supposedly has it wrapped in silk and in a box and placed in a position of
honor on his ancestral altar. Now, let me ask, if you were this tortoise, would
you prefer to be dead and kept in a box, or would you rather be alive and
dragging your tail in the mud?”
One of the messengers replied, “I would rather be alive dragging
my tail in the mud.”
Chuang Tzu said, “So would I. Now go away and leave me alone.”

The deferred life plan is
no way to live. My generation was caught on the cusp, some of us fell into careers
and lost ourselves in the 9-5, 47 weeks of the year existence where we said
goodbye to our lives and sat obediently waiting for our pensions to mature –
living for the promise of the future – not the reality of now. I have to remind
myself that this struggle has been going on with the human race for the best
part of the last few thousand years of recorded history, I’m not the first
person to say no to a career and yes to life. But I will keep writing this
blog, writing my stories and doing my massages to remind folks that there is
more to life than the 9-5. To remind folks that life doesn’t have to be
endured, it’s meant to be a celebration.
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by a career that doesn’t fulfil you? Do you in fact feel happy in your career?
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Sky Boss x
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